
 Get Involved


Here are 4 ways you can lend your support

We need you! A community museum such as ours depends on your participation to thrive. Your contribution helps keep our doors open, so the whole community can be aware of and celebrate all that went into making the LaHave area what it is today.


Become a

your Time



Become a Member

$25 per family or $15 for individuals. Valid from June 1 to May 31. 

As a member you’ll get reduced rates for many museum functions, including the lobster supper. You’ll also receive monthly e-newsletters about what’s going on at the museum and reminders of upcoming events, so you never miss out. Most importantly you will support a vibrant part of our local LaHave history and community.

Join Online:

Individual Membership
Family Membership
Community Partner

Our Community Partner membership is for local businesses and organizations that want to support Fort Point Museum.

Join by Mail:

Please make cheques payable to: Lunenburg County Historical Society.
Send to P.O. Box 99, LaHave, NS B0R 1C0.

Volunteer your Time

We need volunteers to: • help in our historic French Garden • be on hand at events to set up, take tickets, serve, clean up, and guide • phone for attendance at events • help promote the museum • prepare food for events such as the lobster supper • demonstrate traditional tasks such as spinning, basket making, cooking in an outdoor clay oven, candle making -be on the board of governors.


Become a Volunteer

We'd love to have you! Please fill out our online form below and let us know what sorts of things interest you. 


Need a printable version? Download the volunteer form PDF. Scan and
email your completed form to 

See our Volunteer Policy.

Donate Artifacts

Our Mission

The Lunenburg County Historical Society (LCHS), a registered society, whose mission is to accurately and interactively interpret the heritage of the LaHave estuary and its hinterlands, to protect and care-take the significant character defining elements of this National Historic site, and to actively celebrate the LaHave community from the first inhabitants to present day.

We’re always looking for interesting artefacts that reflect the heritage of the LaHave river area and help us tell the stories of this area. Our Collections Committee accepts or declines donations on an individual basis, based on the item’s ability to enhance our historical purpose and fulfill our mission.

We are also extremely grateful for bequests, which are instrumental in upgrading as well as maintaining our exhibits.


Donate To the Museum

Please contact the museum at 902-688-1632 if you would like to discuss a donation or gift to Fort Point Museum. Thank you!


Corporate Support

The support of local companies is vital to keeping alive the history of where we all live and work. The Lunenburg County Historical Society is completely volunteer run and has been in operation for almost 50 years. You can support us with a corporate membership, sponsorship of an event, or sponsorship of a specific display or interpretive panel. We will support you with appropriate advertising space and our sincerest thanks. 

Contact us for more details

Find out how you can be a part of this community initiative.